Learning how to use the essential DIY tools

Reviews: Average review: 4.9 Number of reviews: ( 7) Level: Beginner Category: ,

Are you tired of looking like an amateur when you’re doing DIY? Do you want to know how to pick the right tool for your project, and how to use it safely?

This 3-hour workshop is the perfect opportunity to learn how to use the different tools that are essential for all your DIY projects and small renovations! You will learn all about power tools: manual radial saw, jigsaw, circular saw (track saw), drill and screwdriver, nailer… and also different measuring tools, the types of clamps, which tool to choose for which hole, or which drill bits for which screws.

You’ll also learn how to safely adjust and handle these very useful tools, to be autonomous at home.

Skills required: none, this workshop is open to beginners.

The price includes all materials and hundreds of tips!

Past makers' reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 7 reviews)
27 April 2024

The instructor Nicole was extremely thorough with their description of using different wood working tools. They were also very well versed with various applications of these tools and gave us good insight on our DIY projects at home

2 December 2023

Je suis contente d’avoir appris de nouvelles compétences.

22 April 2023

J’ai beaucoup apprécié le fait d’être sensibiliser à certains outils (cloueuse pneumatique, scie circulaire) et les manipuler.

Comment choisir ses outils en fonction des travaux à réaliser.

22 April 2023

Sophie did an amazing job. Location was clean and organized and explanation were simple to understand.

15 February 2023

Je me suis inscrite pour apprendre à manier des outils de base et j’ai adoré mon expérience! Quelle satisfaction de réaliser un petit projet, de se faire guider par une pro, de développer sa créativité et son autonomie! un beau cadeau à offrir et à s’offrir. Merci!

Elle tratt
7 August 2022

Je suis venue fabriquer une lampe avec mon ado de 16 ans. Il y allait a reculons, mais il est tellement fier d’avoir realise sa lampe. C’etait le fun de le voir travailler avec toutes ces machines, bien concentré. On se reapprivoise tous ces savoirs faire. Merci les affutes. Vous allez nous revoir. Un grand merci à Laurence, notre prof. Elle est patiente et tellement competente. Quel beau concept.

Ghislaine Pharand

Are you a past maker? Tell us what you thought of your experience.

$85 + txs